Data Room Evaluation
Data Room Evaluation

Oolithica can provide invaluable clastic and carbonate sedimentology expertise as part of data room evaluations. Typically we either attend the dataroom, or review supplied data in our offices or at a clients office (often at short notice).
We aim to provide:
a geological perspective relating to depositional facies variations
review of well / seismic correlations
identification of flow barriers and high permeability zones
likely ranges of values for volumetric parameters
interpretation of diagenetic controls on reservoir properties
influence of pore type and pore lining clays on petrophysics interpretation
analogues, which are particularly useful where the available well data is sparse
interpretation of depositional facies information from seismic data, useful for both reservoir and seal evaluation
Our clients find that our input is particularly useful when dealing with carbonate reservoirs where rapid lateral facies changes can result in potentially large variations in porosity and permeability, and complex diagenetic variations can have a major impact on prospectivity and productivity. The nature of carbonates is such that the skeletal components (biofacies) and grain mineralogy (hence diagenetic potential) vary markedly through geological time and these insights are essential to a thorough evaluation.